Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Study help

Hey guys,
I came across a website called Med Study sites, while i was trying to come up with an easy way to study the 10,000 conditions we learned in pathology.
This website gives you tips on how to study, what kinds of foods to eat to give you the best energy. It covers topics from anatomy to neurology, pharmacology to physiology. It also has all kinds of practice tests. Over our time here we've attained sooo much information, this website shows ways to organize information for better understanding and breaking it down in pieces to study it.
You have to register with you name and email but then you have accesss to all kinds of info and resources. The resources ahve links that send you to differnet websites based in the topic you are searching. Check it out! it only takes a few minutes.
And happy studying!

Cranio-Sacral Therapy

Another interest that strikes my attention is cranio-sacral therapy (CST). This modality of treatment focuses o the cerebral spinal fluid that flows in the body and can create blockages and throw off the balance of organ fuction, emotional stability, joint and muscle strain and immune function.  As we know, if any of these are affected it can result in poor health and  leave us suseptable for illness and injury.

So the procedure sounds pretty calming to me, but at the same time it almost sounds chiropracic work, except at a extremely low pace.The client can lay face up on a table with their clothes on or wearing a gown. Like Manual lymph drainage, the practioner uses the "weight of a nickel pressure" to gently manipulate the joints, bones, sacrum, cranium and soft tissues to help unblock any non-flowing spinal fluid so it may flow more smoothly. Depending in the severity of the clients treatment, a session can last for 20min to 1 hour! Most people fall asleep, just like massage. Apparently, it is very helpful with a wide variety of ailments. I am very interested to try it and possibly add it to my practice.

Would anyone else consider such modality? Love to hear from you.

A Massage Therapists Prayer

This was sent to us by A.J and I thought it would be a good edition to the blog as a reminder of why we do what we do. To help those of ailments, relaxing the mind and body, promote health and wellness, and maybe develop friendships along the way. To my fellow classmates, as we approach the end, I hope we all have got in touch with ourselves and discovered the healing powers and energy that flows through us and though our hands. We will all have rewarding careers in this practice and for me, just to have someone say that I made them feel better, is enough to make me smile and fullfilled that I'm making a difference in their lives.
 Enjoy the prayer! I love it.

Let me dedicate my life today
to the care of those who come my way.

Let me touch each one with healing hands,
for the gentle art for which I stand.

Let the divine force flow from me to you,
let our energy and spirit renew.

And then tonight when the day is done,
let me rest in peace if i've helped just one!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Brain Teasers

This is fun! Did you know that Albert Einstein's brain was smaller than that of an average person? But he was a genius right? His intelligence came from the number of neuro connections of his few brain cells. lol Doesn't matter how many you have..it's how well you exercise them. So you hippi's and flower childs don't worry, you can't get the brain cells back that you lost but you can grow the your neurons you still have!

Try these games and brain teasers. They may help us better read our clients body language and faces. It tests our brain with riddles, illusions memory and senses.  Perfect for exam time to strenghen our neurons and remember all of our crazy information.

Hope you enjoy!

Reflexology and Me

I'm interested in incorporating reflexolgy to my massage practice one day, but I didin't really know too much about it's benefits besides that it feels good to have your feet rubbed. I had my first and inly treatment a few years ago and liked it (evn though it made me laugh a little at first)The body is looked at as an elctrical field where the practioner uses accupressure points on the feet and hands to release ailments of the body and it's ograns. This facinates me that an alternative treatment of massage can have such amazing benefits to it. As therapists we know that our mechanical work promotes blood and lymph circulation and tissue health,but did you that reflexolgy does the same thing with these energy channels? I didn't.

Just a few years ago, this was not a technique that people were first to choose, as it's effectiveness was not proven beneficial. But today their are studies from around the world that support it's theories. It's uses on infants, elderly and even dogs! I throughly enjoyed my read on reflexolgy and have made the decison to make this a great addition to my practice.


Methuselah Pine

As you all know I am a big jeporady watcher. Tonights final jeporady clue was on biblical names. Well, we all have heard of Noah; the man that built the big ark and took two of every animal with him because the great flood was coming. Methuselah was Noahs's grandfather. He lived for 969 years! and died during the time of the flood. There's a little history lesson for you.
Anyways, back to the tree. This clue facinated me so much that I had to look it up and share it with you guys. This Great Basin Bristlecone Pine is actually 4,841 years old! It is the oldest known individual tree in the world.  It lives in the "Forest of the Ancients" but it exact location is undisclosed to protect it from vandalism.  Heres a link to what the tree looks like.
Ciao for Now!

How they fix a torn UCL?

Hey Guys,
Take a read, I pulled this article from my local newspaper about a rookie 22 year old baseball player that blew his ulnar collateral ligament. They are going to take a tendon from the forearm, hamstrings, knee or foot to replace the torn ligament. I wonder how they decide which one to take. The procedure is as follows:
Step 1: Take the tendon form somewhere else in the body.
Step 2: Make a huge 3 inch gash along medial elbow, exposing the UCL.
Step 3: Drill holes in the humerus and ulna.
Step 4: Loop the replacement tendon throught the holes and a figure eight pattern to stablize the joint.
Step 5: Don't play ball for 12-18 months.
They call this surgery Tommy John after the first ball player that had the same injury

Whew! i'm glad it's not me.
read the whole article by Dave Pollard