Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Cranio-Sacral Therapy

Another interest that strikes my attention is cranio-sacral therapy (CST). This modality of treatment focuses o the cerebral spinal fluid that flows in the body and can create blockages and throw off the balance of organ fuction, emotional stability, joint and muscle strain and immune function.  As we know, if any of these are affected it can result in poor health and  leave us suseptable for illness and injury.

So the procedure sounds pretty calming to me, but at the same time it almost sounds chiropracic work, except at a extremely low pace.The client can lay face up on a table with their clothes on or wearing a gown. Like Manual lymph drainage, the practioner uses the "weight of a nickel pressure" to gently manipulate the joints, bones, sacrum, cranium and soft tissues to help unblock any non-flowing spinal fluid so it may flow more smoothly. Depending in the severity of the clients treatment, a session can last for 20min to 1 hour! Most people fall asleep, just like massage. Apparently, it is very helpful with a wide variety of ailments. I am very interested to try it and possibly add it to my practice.

Would anyone else consider such modality? Love to hear from you.


  1. I think cranio-sacral sounds ultra interesting! I would love to learn how your organs and emotional state can all be affected from a "BLOCKAGE".

  2. i agree....a very interesting modality
